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Take the innovation and entrepreneurship competition as an opportunity to promote innovation cooperation

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Take the innovation and entrepreneurship competition as an opportunity to promote innovation cooperation

Date of release:2018-09-07 Author: Click:

On August 28, chairman huang wenxin of the company led the team to participate in the finals of the 7th China innovation and entrepreneurship competition in guangxi and guangxi innovation and entrepreneurship competition in 2018. Before that, the company through each city first class preliminary contest, the guangxi region industry rematch and other layers of selection, finally ascended the stage of finals.

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The competition adopts the road show mode of "8+7 on-the-spot defense and on-the-spot highlights". The contestants show themselves for 8 minutes and the jury review for 7 minutes. When the question and answer session is over, the score is on the spot. The final score of the contestants is the average of the 9 expert judges on the spot after the lowest score and the highest score are removed. After the fierce competition, our company finally won the growth group "third prize" and advanced to the national competition.

The address of this article:http://www.gystc.com/en/news/410.html

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